The connected component of the partial duplication graph (2018)

ALEA, vol. 15, pp. 1431-1445

Abstract: We consider the connected component of the partial duplication model for a random graph, a model which was introduced by Bhan, Galas and Dewey as a model for gene expression networks. The most rigorous results are due to Hermann and Pfaffelhuber, who show a phase transition between a subcritical case where in the limit almost all vertices are isolated and a supercritical case where the proportion of the vertices which are connected is bounded away from zero.

We study the connected component in the subcritical case, and show that, when the duplication parameter p<e-1, the degree distribution of the connected component has a limit, which we can describe in terms of the stationary distribution of a certain Markov chain and which follows an approximately power law tail, with the power law index predicted by Ispolatov, Krapivsky and Yuryev. Our methods involve analysing the quasi-stationary distribution of a certain continuous time Markov chain associated with the evolution of the graph.

The picture below shows the connected component of a simulation of the model with p=0.2. The simulation was run until the connected component had 500 vertices.